- Examines, validates, summarizes and documents current state:
- Process workflows
- Technology alignment
- Organizational fit
- Metrics/controls
- Establishes the future state operating vision:
- Value definition
- Process architecture
- IT application architecture
- Performance Management framework
- Organizational framework
- Identifies potential quick-wins
- Identifies opportunities and documents a future state Implementation Roadmap
Operational Assessment and Opportunity Roadmap
Why is this important to my organization?
As a leader, you are on a constant quest to find differentiation with your competitors. Differentiation – – something that you do in your business to make you the vendor of choice over your competition, is the result of several possible strategies. One of these strategies is differentiation via operational excellence.
Beyond the table stakes of offering a great product or service, operational excellence has emerged as a key differentiator, empowering organizations to optimize processes, enhance efficiency, and deliver consistent value.
Why Oakwood Systems, Inc.?
- Over 20 years experience in helping organizations to achieve transformational operational improvement.
- Knowledge and expertise in technologies that support the assessment, improvement, automation, and analysis of operations.
- Industry experience that includes manufacturing (petrochemicals, pulp/ paper, consumer products), healthcare (hospitals, medical devices), finance (consumer, investments, life and property & casualty insurance).
- Education and certifications: Six Sigma and Project Management certifications; technology certifications, graduate degrees in Business and Predictive Analytics.
- Extensive experience and expertise in Consulting, Coaching, Teaching and Tutoring.